May 13, 2017 @ 2:00 pm – 12:00 am
Wall Street in Downtown Asheville
Wall St
Asheville, NC 28801
Walkable Wall Street with Free BIKE Parking & Bright Light Biker @ Wall Street in Downtown Asheville | Asheville | North Carolina | United States

Strive Not To Drive teams up with the businesses of Wall Street for an afternoon of car-free fun and shopping. Come by bike ans enjoy FREE bike corral parking from Asheville on Bikes. Swing by the Strive Not To Drive table and pick up a Wall Street Passport. Visit shops, fill your passport, and return it to unlock a prize worth striving for.

You’ll see that downtown Asheville is more fun and stress-free when you leave the car out of the equation.


Check the batteries in your headlight and tail light, wrap yourself and your bike in Christmas lights, tape some glow sticks to your wherever, and head out to Walkable Wall Street at sunset for the start of Bright Light Biker.

Come early for Walkable Wall Street Free BIKE Parking
Roll out: 9pm
Return: 10pm
Enjoy food and drink after at the fine restaurants of Wall Street, open late, just for you.