March 19, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
Pack Square
N Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801
STOKE! Community Arts in Action

People of Asheville! Citizens and Outliers alike (that means you Barnardsville, Madison County, Sandy Mush, Fletcher et al)!

Come together on Saturday, March 19, Downtown at Pack Square. We will meet shortly before sundown…
To create an epic art piece of Situationist proportions!
The first annual STOKE LANTERN PARADE!
Bring your lanterns! One and all! Big and Small! Let’s carry the intention of calling all of humanity back to its roots and calling spring back to the mountains! We will create the spectacle to spark the minds of those around us, and jumpstart our own creative intentions for the new season!

Step 1. Decide to come!

Step 2. Tell your friends! Pass this on to any local email lists and share theFacebook event.

Step 3. Tell them to tell their friends! Let’s make this BIG!

Step 4. Make a lantern (or bring one already made if you’re feeling lazy)! Anything that you can put a candle inside of, safely, can be a lantern!
There are as many ways to make a lantern as there are creative people in the world, so try your hand at it! Here’s a few ideas:
>An easy one is papier mache with tissue paper over a balloon,tie a string to the top, put a little sand in the bottom, add a tealight, Voila!
>Poke holes in a tin can with a hammer and a nail.
>Use wire to create a hanger for a mason jar and decorate the outside.
>Or…make a giant wire dragon form, cover it with colorful fabric, but a candle in every segment, and puppet it with 5 people! but don’t forget…SAFETY FIRST!

Step 5. Show up! Sundown is at 7:41 pm so plan to arrive by 7:30. Dress for the weather. Bring hot tea, some songs to share, your children (in a wagon!), your parents…and don’t forget your lanterns and something to light them with!

Step 6. Walk! What would a lantern parade be without the walking part! We will parade through downtown Asheville. Let the world know we mean business!