Skateboard Adventure Summer Camp (12-17yrs)
30 George Washington Carver Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Asheville Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Push Skate Shop to offer 5 days of skateboarding and adventure. Live the life of a touring skateboarder! Each day will bring a different skate park paired with a unique adventure. Skate parks will include: Cherokee, Knoxville, Asheville, Henderson- ville, and The Hot Spot in Spartan- burg. Adventures will include swimming, tubing, mountain bik- ing, etc. This is not an instruc- tional camp; participants must dis- play proficient skill in skateboard- ing and swimming. There are no refunds based on ability. Camp meets at the Stephens-Lee Center.
August 15-19, 8:30am-6pm
For more information, contact Ryan Seymour at 828-350-2058, or Seth Jackson at 828-259-5483,