July 17, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Laurel Green Park
440 White Pine Dr
Laurel Park
NC 28739
Happy Hearts Collective
Signing Storytime in the Park @ Laurel Green Park

Happy Hearts Collective evolved (and will continue to evolve, I’m sure) from a spark of an idea shortly after my first child was born.  As a Child of a Deaf Adult, I’ve been fluent in American Sign Language since I was a wee one.  I knew the benefits of teaching it to my children and wanted them to be able to communicate with the deaf members of our family.  What grew from that was a fledgling sign class geared towards little ones and their parents that slowly became a more structured program as my first child grew older and I became pregnant with my second.

Through the changes that motherhood and life brought, I became more and more aware of a growing need among the mamas around me.  Behind all the questions in the social media groups, the books I read, the mamas I interacted with through sign classes was a desperate need for community and connection.  The village mentality of many hands raising the children of a community seems to have dissipated in our society and instead been replaced with impossibly high expectations and judgements.  I became frustrated as I struggled to balance depression and anxiety with the demands of daily life, wishing that there was a central place that mamas could go to create their modern day village—to find their tribe.

So it was that the little spark that began as Happy Hands, Happy Hearts Baby Sign Classes grew into a dream in pursuit of a larger goal.  It is my dream to grow Happy Hearts Collective into a fully fledged wellness center to meet the needs of mamas from all walks of life.  Thank you so much for visiting our online community and for your support!

Share Your Heart.  Find Your Tribe.