April 1, 2023 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
EmVi Art Studio
191 Lyman Street
Asheville NC
EmVi Art Studio
Saturday Morning Art Classes for Kids of all ages!! Sewing Series!! @ EmVi Art Studio
Starting in April, Emily’s Art Alley will be hosting Saturday morning art classes for kids of all ages!! Classes will be held at EmVi Art Studio, in the River Arts District!
April Series: Sewing!!
Each Saturday we will focus on hand sewing! Students will learn various stitches- including the whipstitch and backstitch and how to sew on buttons. Each class will build up to creating a pattern and sewing their own original felt creature!
April 1st:
We will begin the series by learning how to thread a needle, make a knot, and learn the whipstitch. Using the techniques learned in class will create a pizza felty!!!
Prerequisite: None
Class Fee: $40
April 8th:
Students will continue their exploration of sewing! They will learn the running stitch and how to sew on buttons! Using socks, students will create their very own sock pig!
Prerequisite: April 1st class or some sewing experience
Class Fee: $40
April 15:
Students will learn about patterns and how various pieces are put together to create a three dimensional stuffed animal! We will cut out a pattern and learn/use the backstitch to add designs. By the end of class, students will have their own little felt elephant!
Prerequisite: Previous classes or sewing experience (how to thread needle, whipstitch)
Class Fee: $40
April 22 and 29:
These two classes students will create their own pattern and felt creature! First class, students will draw their idea for their creature, create a pattern and begin cutting out all their pieces. Second class, students will see their creature together!! Some outside of class work may be required. **Students have to sign up for both classes**
Prerequisite: Previous classes or Sewing experience
Class Fee: $80 (both classes)
Sign up for the whole series and save! All five classes: $180
Class fee includes: sewing kit, all materials for the class (fabric, thread, buttons, socks, etc…), instruction by Emily Alley, homemade snacks provided by Leviticus Moore.
Times: 9am-12pm
Age requirement: All ages!!
Class size: minimum: 5 students , max: 10
Emily is a professional artist currently living in Asheville. She received a bachelors in Art History and a bachelor’s in Art Education from Illinois State University. She taught art in the public school system in central Illinois and Las Vegas to kindergarten through twelfth grade for 15 years.