April 8, 2019 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Birthfit asheville
80 Allen Street
Birthfit asheville
(832) 316-7111
Postpartum Breath + Flow @ Birthfit asheville

Apr 8th, 23rd, 30th, and May 7th
This is a 4 week series that meets two times a week. During this series we will start with breath work and evolve into full body functional motor patterns, establish a solid core foundation, wake up that posterior chain, and enhance posture through safe, effective movements that transfer in to your daily life.
If you are looking to learn how to start healing your DRA + pelvic floor, who is craving connection with other moms or just wanting to get out of the house then this series if for you.

This class is for those mama’s who have had a baby within the last 2-12 wks and you are now ready to move + learn about this new body that has just done an incredible thing (grow + bring a human into the word). Non-mobile babies welcomed!