April 12, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 11:45 am
varied locations
Asheville City Schools Preschool / Buncombe Partnership for Children
Play & Learn Groups for Adults with Infants & Toddlers series begins today! (3-35mos) @ varied locations

NEW GROUPS START Feb 5th, 6th, & 7th

Play & Learn is a FREE 8-week series of adult-child activity groups where families:

  • Learn what to expect from their infants as they grow into healthy toddlers;
  •  Learn pre-literacy & group socialization skill building activities
  • Discover the ways children learn through play;
  • Meet other parents.

“A structured adult-child group time that emphasizes pre-literacy skills through song, finger plays, stories, music, puppets, hands-on activities and fun for parents/caregivers and children ages 3 months – 35 months.  Space is limited.  Only children who are not enrolled in regulated child care and reside in Buncombe county are eligible to participate. Children who attend parent morning out programs are eligible to attend. Play and Learn is sponsored by Buncombe Partnership for Children and Asheville City Schools Preschool.

To be eligible, children must reside in Buncombe County, be at least 3 months old and not enrolled in licensed child care. Siblings may also attend.”


Asheville Primary School & Preschool
Infants: 3-12 months, Tues. 10:30-11:15 a.m.; Feb 5th-March 26th

Toddlers: 13-23 months, Thurs. 10:00-10:45 a.m.; 24-35 months, Thurs. 11:00-11:45 a.m.; Feb 7th-March 28th

Trinity Episcopal Church
Infants: 3-12 months, Wed. 10:00-10:45 a.m.; Feb 6th-March 27th

Call or email before class date to register. Registration before class is required by email or phone.