Get in Gear for Spring with the Outdoor Gear Builders of WNC! We’re kick-starting the outdoor season with new gear, family-friendly activities, tasty food, and a few cold bevs as well. Got your eye on a new tent but want to try it out first? Come on out! Think you’d like to demo that new boat before you pull the trigger? This is for you!
Did we mention it is COMPLETELY FREE?!
Local gear from Astral, Blue Ridge Chair Works, Boatgirl, ENO, SylvanSport, Rightline Gear, Watershed Drybags, Fifth Element Camping, Bellyak, Rockgeist – Bikepack USA, Diamond Brand Gear, Tsuga, RECOVER, Mount Inspiration, Lucky Sheep Sleeping Bags, Native Watercraft, Liquidlogic Kayaks, LightHeart Gear Tents,
and Alpine Towers International.