Appalachian Dance Class 101 features instruction in square dance formations and basic flat-foot and clogging styles unique to the Haywood County mountains.
The dates for ALL classes are:
Ages 16 and up: March 29, April, 5, April,12
Ages 6 and up: April, 19, April, 26, May, 3, May, 10
Ages 16 and up: May, 17, May, 24, June, 31, June, 7
Kim Ross, Director of the J. Creek Cloggers, is the instructor. Classes are from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the Folkmoot Community Center, 112 Virginia Avenue in Waynesville.
The cost is $30 for the remaining three classes in this series. Soft shoes with slick bottoms are preferred for easy movement, but are not mandatory.
Register by telephone at 828-452-2997 or fill out this form, requesting registration for the classes: