A FREE playworker* training is being offered for folks that want to get involved with the adventure play movement in Asheville. We’ve got a great calendar of events this year and we’re growing and gaining momentum for a permanent adventure playground in Asheville! Come be a part of what’s happening and gain some new play inspiration!
KIDS are WELCOME as they will be part of the workshop, but participation is limited to 25 adults and 10 children (children will be building forts while parents learn play worker skills).
TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN THE TRAINING PLEASE POST ON THEIR FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE AT THE LINK ABOVE THAT YOU WANT TO COME AND IF YOU ARE BRINGING CHILDREN OR NOT. I will reply back with a confirmation. And that’s it, show up April 15th and we’ll have a great time!
*what is a playworker?
Playwork is a skilled profession that is rooted in the belief that play is of immense benefit and supports freely chosen play. Playwork follows a set of principles that guide playworkers responses to playing children and young people and takes into consideration the spaces created for children to play in, the resources within those spaces and advocates for children to play in their own way, controlling the content and intent of their play.
For more information contact:
Linda Kinney, MA Play and Playwork
Education Specialist, Manager Playful Pedagogy
NC Zoo Linda.Kinney@nczoo.org