This month’s song circle will focus on songs IN ANY LANGUAGE EXCEPT FOR ENGLISH. These songs could be in a foreign or made-up language, it doesn’t matter. The intention is to allow sound the front stage, and to expand our brains by inviting us to wrap our minds and tongues around new patterns.
Instruments to support our voices are invited.
Event is free and children are always welcome.
Our gracious hosts this month are the folks at Lovin Land (home of Alinahh, Scotty, Fox, Searra & Chelsea)
Directions: Take 26 West, get off exit 15 Jupiter/Barnardsville. Go few miles. You’ll see small sign for Navitat on right. Take first right onto Morgan Rd, then first right onto Lovin Rd. We are the only house on the road. Please park on the road after the mailbox on the right side. Thanks.