Ok parents…I’m here to help you out over the winter break! Here’s my plan….a two week camp offering that you can pick and choose what days you need or want. This allows the parents that have to work over this break a cool place for their kids to hang out, besides your office floor hooked in front of a tablet (this was once me).
You can sign up for the full two weeks if needed, or you can just do a few days to cover you until you have free time to be with your families for the holidays.
Much like the summer kids camp I had, I will pack on as much activities during the days to keep your kids busy. I don’t have a set in stone schedule of events but I expect a full two weeks of packed mixed martial arts…at least! My summer kids loved this program, so I hope they will enjoy the winter camps as well.
To sign your kids up, a non-refundable 50% of desired tuition is requested for registration. The other half of your tuition will be collected on the beginning week of December 19th. You can sign your child up for as little or as much as you would like during this special holiday offering.