Come and join the fun at our Howl In events at Full Moon Farm!
This month’s treat theme is PUMPKINS! If you would like to bring a special treat to share with the wolfdogs you can do so by bringing small, un-cut, ripe pumpkins. Please do not pre-slice or carve them – part of the fun for the wolfdogs is getting into them! Anything between the size of a baseball to a basketball is fair game for them!
Gates open at 3:00 p.m.
Farm tour begins 3:15 p.m.
Meet our most famous wolfdogs, hear their stories and learn about the breed and find out why they’ve stolen our hearts.
Stay for our pot luck at 4:30 p.m. ($5 donation requested to help with cost of food and drinks). Please bring a covered dish to share.
*We provide drinks, grilled hot dogs and burgers.*
Enjoy shopping in Gwenny’s Gift Den! We have many wonderful gift items featuring wolves and our wolfdogs.
If the weather is bad, we still play! We have a shelter to get out of the rain, and still give a small tour. Bring an umbrella and some snacks, and we’ll try and keep you dry! =)
When you visit, please consider bringing something from our wishlist for the wolfdogs! We have needs big and small. The wishlist can be found here:
Call or email for directions:
Happy HOOOLOWEEN and hope to see you soon!