February 16, 2016 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Arthur R. Edington Education & Career Center
133 Livingston St
Asheville, NC 28801
Asheville City Government

The City of Asheville is wrapping up planning to improve Livingston Street and a portion of Depot Street to make them safer and more comfortable for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users.

Based on input from the community at meetings in September, the engineers have made revisions to their preliminary plans, which addressed the physical structure of the roadway and sidewalk. They have now begun to design the look of the route as you travel through it, including landscape, lighting and materials used.

The consultants will present their revised roadway plans at an open house to be held at the Edington Center and offer the public the opportunity to provide input on the look of the route.

In 2013 and 2014, the City and community worked together on the East of the Riverway Connections transportation network plan, which identified capital improvement opportunities in the East of the Riverway area. That planning recommended improvements to Livingston Street that would make it a complete street. A Federal Highway Administration TIGER grant (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) will fund construction of this complete street project. The TIGER grant also paid for the East of the Riverway planning process. TIGER grants fund the planning for and construction of capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure, i.e. roads and the infrastructure around them, such as sidewalks, bike lanes and more.

We need you! Drop in at any time during this open house to:

  1. See the 75% plans and give input on the Livingston Street Complete Streets amenities like plantings, lighting and materials used.
  2. Sign up to help design the public engagement process for the development of a Southside neighborhood recreation plan that will address the community pool, park, future gymnasium and spray ground.
  3. See what the historic trail markers for the Town Branch Greenway will look like.

City staff expects this to be the last input opportunity for the Livingston Street Complete Streets project. The City anticipates construction beginning in 2017, and will provide notice to area residents and users prior to the start of construction.

For more information, visit the City of Asheville’s Livingston Street Complete Streets project page (link above).