May 13, 2017 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Nest Organics
51 N Lexington Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Nest Organics
(828) 258-1901
Infant/Child Healthy Sleep Habit Seminar @ Nest Organics  | Asheville | North Carolina | United States

Join us for another informative class on how to develop and maintain healthy sleeping habits for infants and children. This seminar will be held by Kim Rogers, Certified Infant and Child Sleep Specialist and founder of Sleeping Well Consulting, LLC.

“My passion is helping parents develop a clear plan for solving their child’s sleep issues, once and for all.” – Kim Rogers

Her classes are always educational and fun. In addition to a wealth of knowledge, yummy snacks will also be provided.

COST: $10
Pay in person at Nest Organics, over the phone at 828-258-1901, or by clicking below on the ticket URL.

Want to learn more about Kim and Sleeping Well Consulting? Visit her site: http://sleepingwellconsulting.com/

We will cover:
–Why sleep is important
–Origins of child sleep problems
— How baby sleep cycles differ from adult sleep cycles and what the 4-month sleep regression really is
–Why the right amount of wake time between naps is important to help babies nap more easily, nap longer, sleep better at night, and what that amount should be for your child.
–Signs of sleep deprivation and overtiredness (for children and adults)
–How much sleep we need at vaious ages (including best amount of naps per age group)
–How to set up the best room environment to help your child sleep better.
–The 7 most important sleep tips that will allow your child to sleep through the night and take restful naps during the day.
–We will define CIO ( “cry it out” — or extinction) and discuss why this method is rarely recommended anymore, but still widely talked about in media and parenting circles. We’ll talk about a variety of gentle methods. In addition, Kim will present evidence based information and peer reviewed studies for CIO and gentle methods, so that parents can be more informed. We’ll have in in-depth look at the three types of childhood stress (positive, tolerable, and toxic) and the evidence that giving children the space, allowance, and nurturing environment to fall asleep on their own does not create toxic stress for them.

Many times, all it takes is a few changes to see improvement. Often, when parents consistently implement some of the 7 tips from this seminar, they see huge improvements in their child’s sleep.

For those needing more help than this, Kim will share information about how I customize sleep plans for families, and support them for 2-3 weeks as they make changes.

For those of you who prefer the “do it yourself” route, Kim will point you in the direction of some very affordable ways to “do-it-yourself.”

Special Offers for Attending!
10% off all items at Nest Organics that day
A Winner will be drawn for a Nest Organics gift card
Discounts on Sleeping Well Consulting Packages

Babies in arms welcome