June 12, 2017 @ 9:00 am – June 16, 2017 @ 4:00 pm
Local Cloth-Farm/Fiber/Fashion Network
207 Coxe Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Local Cloth-Farm/Fiber/Fashion Network
(828) 222-0356

June 12th-16th Morning Session 9am-Noon (Ages 6-10yrs) … Knitting Ninjas! Get your hands on yarn as quick as possible and get the creativity brewing. We will learn the skills to become well adorned knitting ninja! Starting with chains we will make necklaces, bracelets and more then moving on to a larger finger-knitted chain and complete headbands, belts, and sashes. From there the sky’s the limit! Come to class as a complete beginner and leave having accomplished foundational skills to be a lifelong knitter.


June 12th-16th Afternoon Session 1pm-4pm (Ages 11-15yrs) … Knitting-Mania  It’s okay to be a beginner at something because you get to discover it for the first time!  Knitting builds on a foundation that can take you into a whole new world. We’ll start with the basics and then get the needles moving. Dream of headbands, flowers, knitted 3D animals, and more!  By the end of the week you’ll know enough to take a project home with you — possibly your first scarf!
June 19th-23rd Morning session 9am-noon (Ages 6-10yrs) … Sheep to Cloth Wash, pick, card and spin freshly shorn sheep fleece into soft, fluffy wool yarn. Then dye and weave it into cloth on a cardboard loom you get to keep.


June 19th-23rd Afternoon Session 1pm-4pm (Ages 10-15yrs) … Batik Dyeing Batik is a type of surface design called “resist.” Wherever students paint the hot wax, the dye cannot go. The hot wax penetrates the fibers of the cloth, so whatever is drawn or stamped will stay that color, even as the rest of the fabric is dyed. Students will layer wax and dye, creating an array of shades and designs that are one of a kind and always unique.


July 10th-14th Morning session 9am-noon (Ages 11-15yrs) … 3D felting Learn wet felting & needle felting techniques while creating colorful creatures, cat toys, bar soap covers, and jewelry using wool from local sheep and a little soapy water


July 10th-14th Afternoon session 1pm-4pm (Ages 11-15yrs) … Block Printing on Fabric In this week long class the students will learn to create their own repeating pattern, transfer it to rubber blocks and hand carve their own blocks for printing.  From their blocks they will print several objects to take home such as pillowcases, cloth bags, and pieces of fabric.  Students will be introduced to prints and patterns from different cultures for inspiration and will learn the basic techniques of block printing.


July 17th-21st Morning session 9am-noon (Ages 6-10yrs) … Upcycling Machine Sewing Make something new out of something old! Students will use vintage clothing and fabric to create a unique quilt and a tote bag.


July 17th-21st Afternoon session 1pm-4pm (Ages 11-15yrs) … Upcycling Machine Sewing Make something new out of something old! Students will use vintage clothing and fabric to create a unique quilt and a tote bag.


July 24th-28th Morning session 9am-noon (Ages 7-11yrs) … Spinning and Weaving our way through History Students build their own wooden heddles to use as backstrap looms in order to weave a sash, headband, or strap.  We learn about warp and weft-faced weaves, weaving styles and implements, and how to spin wool on a drop spindle.


July 24th-28th Afternoon session 1pm-4pm (Ages 11-16yrs) … Spinning and Weaving our way through History Students build their own wooden heddles to use as backstrap looms in order to weave a sash, headband, or strap.  We learn about warp and weft-faced weaves, weaving styles and implements, and how to spin wool on a drop spindle.


Aug 7th-11th Morning session 9am-noon (Ages 6-10yrs) … Tie Dye Science & Magic Learn the science of textile dyeing, then enjoy the magic of creating cool patterns on clothing or room decorations by folding, twisting, scrunching, tying and then dyeing fabric.


Aug 7th-11th Afternoon session 1pm-4pm (Ages 11-15yrs) … Tie Dye Science & Magic Learn the science of textile dyeing, then enjoy the magic of creating cool patterns on clothing or room decorations by folding, twisting, scrunching, tying and then dyeing fabric.