October 6, 2018 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Violet Owl Wellness
62 Wall St
Asheville, NC 28801
The Sonic Alchemy and Violet Owl Wellness
(828) 785-3041
Fall-O your heART @ Violet Owl Wellness | Asheville | North Carolina | United States

Fall-O your heART Sound & Vision Board Mediation potluck

What do you really want this Fall?

As HUEman’s we Fall a lot
We fall in love , fall short of our expectations, fall into a depression and even fall down.

Let’s Fall in love with our self again during the time the leaves are shedding.
Let’s allow the old things that are no longer for our highest and best to be composted like the leaves and transmuted into nourishing rich soil so we can plant new seeds that we want to grow.

Come Unplug from the matrix and allow yourself a time for deep healing and reconnecting with you inner beauty and your unique exciting full presence..

What do you really want to plant?

Come experience a Sound healing, vision board and cacao ceremony.

This will also be a commUNITY potluck
Bring a dish utensils we have beverages for $ale at Violet Owl

Bring a poster board, glue sticks and magazines.
We will start with a group gratitude circle.

We will be doing a Cleansing sonic bath and cacao ceremony
with a 1 hr vision board and sharing our vision with the group.

Stop Falling and Start Following your dreams!
$33 – $44 sliding scale Children under 12 $12