March 4, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Magnetic 375 Theatre
375 Depot St
Asheville, NC 28801
$12 (students) and groups (10 or more); $23 (adults)
ACA: Innovative Theatre for Children of ALL Ages
(914) 830-3000

“Aesop was never so charming as in DON’T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS UNTIL THEY CRY WOLF, a tour de force of Aesop’s world. This musical, filled with ancient wisdom and today’s wit, clever lyrics and singable modern music,  involves every age in tuneful pleasure.

Highlights include: the famous race of tortoise and hare (“You got to keep on keeping on”); a soft-shoe number by the fox (“Flatter them, and you’ll walk away with the cheese”); a rousing peasant dance in the bundle of sticks (“The trick is to stick together”); a chorus line of sheep (“If he’s got fleece but the wrong kind of nose, maybe he’s simply a wolf in sheep’s clothes”)”