Cozy Craft Fridays
NC 28715
Children 5 to 7 years of age are invited to Sacred Mountain Sanctuary for a day of crafting holiday gifts for their families or friends. Our morning of crafting will be enriched with song, storytelling, and imaginative play in our cozy, cabin classroom. The afternoon will be spent exploring the Fairy Forest and warming ourselves around the campfire.
Friday, December 2nd 9am-3pm
Friday, December 9th 9am-3pm
We will do different activities on each of these days. You can register for one or both!
$45 a day which includes all materials and possible transportation
What to bring:
A packed lunch and snack
Warm boots and coat and gloves for outdoor play.
We can offer rides from Earth Fare for 6 children in our personal vehicles. If we need more than this, we will look for a parent to carpool for a small discount on camp fees.
Other important details:
We need a minimum of 4 children to hold this special event.
Email stephanie.thelearningvilla
Hosted by Ms. Jenny and Ms. Stephanie
(Teachers of the Starseed Forest Kindergarten program at Sacred Mt. Sanctuary)