December 9, 2017 @ 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
$15/General, $10/Friends, $5/Students
Blue Ridge Orchestra
(828) 782-3354
Blue Ridge Orchestra: 'Revels 2018'

Join the Blue Ridge Orchestra for its annual holiday celebration!

Due to Winter Storm Diego, aka The Carolina Crusher, the BRO Revels Concerts originally scheduled for Sunday, December 9 are being rescheduled for Sunday, January 13, at a time and venue to be announced. All tickets issued for the December 9 concerts will be honored on January 13. Information about times and venues will be available here and on www.blueridgeorchestra.org once it becomes available. If you have questions, please contact the BRO during regular business hours at 828.782.3354. Stay warm!!

For tickets or more information, see www.blueridgeorchestra.org or call 828.782.3354.