October 9, 2016 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Salvage Station
468 Riverside Dr
Asheville, NC 28801
Benefit for Chad Campbell @ Salvage Station | Asheville | North Carolina | United States

On Friday, September 2, with his kids off to school, Chad was well into his 30-40 mile ride in the mountains of Asheville, N.C., before heading to work.

Shortly before 7 a.m. he was hit from behind by a truck. He and his bike were thrown over the guardrail and off the roadway. Thankfully, the driver stopped and called 911. The police and rescue personnel transported Chad to Mission Hospital, where he remains in Neuro ICU.

Chad was able to tell the EMTs his children’s names and school before losing consciousness. The state trooper who had the children pulled out of class, to tell them of their father’s accident, drove them to the hospital to be with him.

Since being admitted, he has been kept under heavy sedation. He had a full body CT scan and multiple surgeries to relieve swelling on his brain and alleviate strain on a pulverized pelvis. Requiring additional surgeries to repair fractured vertebrae, broken bones and torn muscles; he will need plates to connect the bones in his arms, legs and pelvis. We are thankful he has feeling in his fingers and toes and hope he will make a complete recovery.

On behalf of his friends at Katuah Market, we are hosting a fundraising event in order to donate to the gofundme page set up by Chad’s family.

This event at the Salvage Station will include a silent auction, raffle, and live music starting at 1 p.m., Sunday, October 9. The raffle winners will be drawn at 5 p.m. and the silent auction’s highest bidders will be announced at 5:30 p.m.

Plans for an organized ride for the event are in the works. More details to come.

Please come out and show your support for Chad Campbell.

To donate items for the Silent Auction or the Raffle:
Please email us at benefit4chadcampbell@gmail.com.

Article in Citizen Times:

GoFundMe Page