October 20, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Montreat Conference Center
401 Assembly Dr
Montreat, NC 28757
AVL Scarefest
AVL Scarefest 3 @ Montreat Conference Center  | Montreat | North Carolina | United States

Join us at our annual Halloween-themed gaming convention in beautiful Black Mountain, NC! View our schedule here:  https://warhorn.net/events/asheville-scarefest and aquire tickets here: http://avlscarefest.com/shop/


“Can I bring my kid(s)?

Yes, you can! However, we ask that your offspring be at least 12 years old before you send him/her/it off to play at a table where you’re not supervising. Younger children can play at the sametable with you. We do ask that children be directly supervised at all times during the con. Humanoids 13-15 do not need constant supervision (obviously), but we do ask that they have a responsible adult present while they are at Scarefest.

Also, if you have concerns about a particular game’s suitability for your offspring, please note that we do have a rating system for the game listings to give you some idea of the content. Understand that neither we nor GMs can guarantee that another player at the table won’t burst out with something outside of the rating, but the GMs will do their best to run the game within it. Also, it’s worth bearing in mind that our con is in an open hall, and there’s every possibility your spawn might overhear the occasional unsavoury comment or ritual to Yog Sothoth. And just to be doubleplus clear, please bear in mind that this is a Halloween-themed convention, so spooky stuff will abound. Please take your child’s temperament into consideration before bringing them to a hall full of spiders, skulls, and possibly creepy clowns. We would honestly hate to be responsible for giving a child nightmares for years. Our parents did that to us, and look how we ended up.”