September 8, 2016 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Jewish Community Center
236 Charlotte St
Asheville, NC 28801
Steps 2 Peace c/o Roberta Wall
(828) 775-6333

Thursday evenings September 8, 15, 22, 29 6:30-8:30pm

Facilitated by Roberta Wall www.steps2peace.com

What makes it so hard to let go of anger? And can forgiveness lead us to authentic, empowered and effective action? This question is so timely now, as streets from Asheville to St. Paul to Dallas, Baton Rouge to Istanbul, Baghdad and Nice, flow with blood and tears.
In Nonviolent Communication, we say that anger has a surprising purpose, and that its energy can be harnessed and transformed into self-understanding, authentic action, and forgiveness.

In our personal lives and in the collective life of society, anger can awaken us to what is really important.
The tragedy is when the only outlets we know for expressing and achieving what is important turn into violence, resentment, hatred and punishment.
Anger is an authentic and important expression of our heart’s yearnings. When we understand and value the needs underlying anger – yours and mine- we can create partnership and new ways to fulfill everyone’s needs, without violence and hatred. This is a state of true and ongoing forgiveness.

There are many rich sources for modelling compassionate and constructive uses of anger to develop a higher self -understanding and a more authentic and satisfying connection with others. In this series, we will draw on Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Mindfulness and Judaism to share together a personal and collective journey into our anger and its transformation.

Note from Roberta: I’m excited to present this in the Hebrew month of Elul, a month of inner preparation for entering the New Year in connection and forgiveness. Integrating this yearly practice with NVC and Mindfulness creates an opportunity for everyone to learn and practice personal and communal methods for healing our hearts and our society from the toxins of hatred and violence.
I want to emphasize that this is certainly not only relevant for people who are into Judaism- or identify as Jewish – rather I see all of this as a deep plunge into great traditions and sources of wisdom to contribute to our personal and global transformation.

Register: Call or email Polly: (828) 775-6333 polly.medlicott@gmail.com.