June 13, 2016 @ 9:00 am – June 17, 2016 @ 4:00 pm
The North Carolina Arboretum
100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way
Asheville, NC 28806
The North Carolina Arboretum
(828) 665-2492

Rising Grades 2-3

Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm



Before Care: Available from 8:00 am – 9:00 am for an additional fee.

After Care: Available from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm for an additional fee.

Junior Mountaineers  (June 19-23)

This camp offers all sorts of outdoor skills, games and activities like making shelters out of found materials and learning how to use a map while on a hike. Use teamwork to create camp gadgets and play outdoor games. Gain essential survival skills while learning the basics of using a compass, setting up a tent and planning a day hike. Get ready for a week of outdoor fun!

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm

Aquatic Adventures (June 26-30)

Discover the diversity of aquatic life in our natural environment. Use microscopes to observe tiny single-celled critters, fish for splashing trout, and enjoy a trip to Lake Powhatan. Explore aquatic wonders on creek walks, pond investigations and a special salamander safari. Learn to use kick nets and dip nets to capture and observe a variety of life; and most importantly, learn how to protect our amazing aquatic habitats.

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm

Nature’s Superheroes (July 3-7)

Ever notice how many superheroes and heroines get their powers from nature and wildlife? Join our “Creature Crew” as we build sidekicks, choose our own secret identities and learn about animals that have their own super powers. We’ll head outside to observe animals, do good nature deeds for our environment, and complete our own special comic coloring book. Be sure to get in on the adventure!

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm

Woodland Ways (July 10-14)

The rich environment of our forest and valleys provide a natural classroom for examining the heritage of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Games, music and local history are a fascinating and playful part of a guided discovery in this culturally diverse area. Learn to identify wildflowers as well as medicinal and edible plants used by settlers. Practice scouting skills, candle making, and other techniques used by settlers and natives to live off the land.

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm

Nature’s Studio (July 17-21)

Beautiful mountain views and crystal streams will provide amazing inspiration as you paint, sketch and mold your own creations. Explore the picture perfect details of the world around you while in search of insects, salamanders, birds and more. Get in touch with your inner artist as you create art with materials you find in nature. Make an original masterpiece every day!

Price: $225; Camp times: 9am-4pm

Advanced Nature Rangers (July 31-August 4)

Join our Nature Ranger team! Learn all about the animals that live in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, how to spot them and where they live. Observe salamanders, insects and fish as you explore Bent Creek. Scout for tracks and other wildlife signs as you explore the homes of lizards, birds and mammals. Special wildlife mysteries will put you to the test as you examine evidence left behind by creatures of the forest. You never know what animals we may encounter!

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm

Active Adventurers (August 14-18)

Get “unplugged” and have fun outside this summer with a different outdoor, active adventure every day! Spend your days hiking the Arboretum trails, exploring the creeks, and playing outdoor games. Make friends, have fun, and challenge yourself as we explore the trails and woodlands of the Arboretum. We’ll even hunt for treasures using a GPS device. Don’t miss out on this week of fun and adventure in the great outdoors!

Price: $225; Camp times: 9 am – 4 pm


Cancellation Policy:
Each registration is a firm commitment to attend. Each program is held to a $25.00 non-refundable registration fee regardless of any other factors. The only exclusions are for ‘before or after care’ and conflicts that arise from changing school schedules. A 50% refund is allowable if a cancellation occurs between 30-11 days prior to the first day of the session. No refund will be offered for sessions cancelled 10 days or less prior to the first day of the session. Registrations are not transferable to other individuals.